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6 Ft Tall Crazy Bonez Pose-N-Stay Skeleton

6 Ft Tall Crazy Bonez Pose-N-Stay Skeleton

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I bet you're thinking that this posable faux human skeleton isn't all that new, but have you ever tried to find one that is actually taller than 5 ft? Sure, you can get a gigantic 12 ft skeleton or a or something, but almost all posable skeletons out there seem to be exactly 5 ft tall for unknown reasons. Of course there are plenty of 5 ft tall humans in real life just like there are 7 ft tall people, but a good majority of humans are usually somewhere closer to the 6 ft range. Like if I put clothes on a 5 ft tall posable faux skeleton, wrapped it in plastic, and hid it behind the wall for a future homeowner to shockingly discover while remodeling, they'll know right away that it's a fake prank. However, a 6 ft fake skeleton behind the wall gets the area taped off and maybe news helicopters deployed overhead. Hmm, don't do that! Anyways, if you're looking for a more realistic, taller faux human skeleton for your Halloween decor or for other mischievous plans, then check out this cool new yet quite dead 6 Ft Tall Crazy Bonez Pose-N-Stay Skeleton.

This spooky faux human skeleton stands over 6 ft tall (74"), not the usual 5 ft and has posable limbs and knees that lock into place, realistic plastic-molded bones with a full rib cage, spine, arms, legs, and a skull, and it's fully weather-resistant. It's perfect for indoor/outdoor Halloween decorations that look way more imposing than your neighbor's little 5 ft skeletons, riding shotgun in your car to help keep you company during the Halloween season, or just endless scary pranks. Wait, I know what you're thinking, don't bury it in the backyard for future homeowners to find one day either! ☠️

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6 Ft Tall Crazy Bonez Pose-N-Stay Skeleton
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