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Howl of the Werewolf Statue

Howl of the Werewolf Statue

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Standing 7 inches tall, this not quite life-size but still imposing Howl of the Werewolf Statue is in full moon beast mode prepared to strike. This little werewolf is sculpted in frightening detail from high quality antique resin that's finished in antique ebony is perfect for your HOWL-o-ween, er Halloween decor or just place it up on a shelf net to your werewolf movie collection... or next to a case of silver bullets! 🐺

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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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Howl of the Werewolf Statue
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