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Dome Clock

Dome Clock

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In a world of tacky digital clocks, analog clocks still exist, because only they can look like the incredibly beautiful Dome Clock. Under a conical-shaped glass dome resting on a mahogany base, visible working cogs and gears keep precision time on a floating face of traditional Roman numerals. Very cool, but sorry kids, it's not made of plastic and it won't dock with your iPod.

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Floating Dome Clock
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Good Morning Sir - Talking Alarm Clock
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Clocky Robotic Wheeled Alarm Clock
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Green Sand Hour Glass
I think I want one of these cool new hour glasses on my desk here at Headquarters to add a bit of motivational pressure to getting things done faster... and because it has unique green sand.
Tempo - World's First Adjustable Hourglass
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Sunrise / Sunset Simulating Clock
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Rocket Launcher Alarm Clock
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Analog Clocktail Table
The perfect way not to lose track of time in your living room.

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