The Green Head - Finds Cool New Stuff!

Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume

Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume

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If you're not sure if you want to wear a scary or a sexy costume to the Halloween party this year, then just go as something that truly goes well with everything, like this cool new Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume. Since Hidden Valley Ranch seems to go on everything, it might as well go on humans as well... as a Halloween costume, not as a tasty condiment! Yep, now you can dress up as giant bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing that will really put out the vibe when you hang out next to the appetizer table at the Halloween party. Hmm, maybe it is a sexy costume after all?

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ASIMO Robot Costume
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Inflatable Kangaroo Costume
This oversized inflatable Halloween costume depicts you as a baby joey inside the pouch of a massive kangaroo. Just slip it on, turn on the fan to keep it inflated, and hop around the party.

Related Stuff: Condiments

Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
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Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
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Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
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Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
Now mere commoners like you and I can place the exact same bottle of Tabasco Sauce on our table that sits on Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's!
Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
While adults will most likely avoid squirting gross neon green ketchup inspired by Nickelodeon slime all over their favorite foods, I guarantee the kids will love it.
Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
When you're having a big hunger attack for a gourmet hamburger that's homemade with two all-beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles, and onions on a three-part sesame seed bun, but you're not quite sure what condiment to use to bring all those tasty ingredients together in perfect harmony, then try this cool new Great Value Secret Sauce from Walmart.
Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
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Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
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Hidden Valley Ranch Bottle Costume
These super limited edition Skittles combine the flavors of sweet candy with tangy yellow mustard all in a chewy, bite-sized form.

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