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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders

Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders

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These cool new Etna Candle Holders are large floor standing candle holders inspired by lava-spewing volcanoes, minus the actual explosive eruption of lava, ash, and toxic fumes of course. These unique volcanic candle holders are crafted from solid pine wood with a conical shape and a colorful lava flow design at the peak where a protective glass cup sits in the vent to hold a flickering candle or tea light. They're available in a set of three sizes or individually in a variety of colors, including lava red.

Related Stuff: Candles

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Recycled Wine Bottle Tealight Holders
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Beehive Candles - Made with Real Beeswax
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Garden Bottle Lanterns
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Magical Floating Candle String Lights
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Related Stuff: Sculptures

Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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Etna - Volcanic Floor Standing Candle Holders
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